Thursday, December 13, 2018

Diabetes and Gum Disease

Gum disease is unfortunately common, and some people have more trouble fighting it than others. The doctors at Bishop & Bishop Dental in Silver Spring see a lot of people who face oral health complications, of which one of the most common is diabetes. People with diabetes have greater difficulty fighting infections, and the relationship between the diseases is a two-way street.

It is not completely clear why people with uncontrolled blood sugar have higher rates of infections. We do know that diabetes causes people’s arteries to thicken, limiting the flow of nutrients throughout their bodies. We also know that once an infection develops in the gum pockets, the body will become less able to regulate glucose, resulting in a feedback loop. Gingivitis, also called gum inflammation, is the body’s initial response to a gum pocket infection. (There are other potential causes, but infection is the most common.) Bleeding gums result from inflammation, and if an infection progresses, the gum tissue could recede. At this point, the teeth would be much more sensitive and would be at risk of coming loose.

Gingivitis is treatable. During deep cleanings, we remove bacterial build-up from below the gum line, where patients can’t reach. When infections are controlled, the body has an easier time controlling blood sugar. If you have diabetes, it is especially important for you to brush and floss, but we’re happy to provide you with more assistance.

Dr. David Bishop, Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Dr. Alicia Reynolds operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8757 Georgia Ave, Suite 810, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 orvisitBishop Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Thank You for Your Continuous Reviews!

Here at Bishop & Bishop Dental, our staff appreciates feedback from patients because it teaches us how to improve as a team. Our staff would not only like to thank Carter A. for this positive review, but we would like to thank him for being a dedicated patient. If you recently experienced exceptional service from our office, please let us know! 

“He (Dr. David Bishop) is a very good dentist. I had lots of problems with my teeth when I first went to see him. He has resolved many of them, and the problems stay resolved. I have been going to him for a couple years now, and I would definitely recommend him. He does good work. I have had crowns and root canals done. He seems to be efficient, and I haven't had any problems with any work he has done.”

If you would like to leave a testimonial or are interested in learning more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Brushing for Two Minutes

When we hit the snooze button in the morning, two minutes fly by like lightning, when we are waiting in traffic, two minute seems like an eternity. At the sink, two minutes is the time you need to spend brushing your teeth in order to clean them adequately and reduce plaque. At Bishop & Bishop Dental, Dr. David Bishop, Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Dr. Alicia Reynolds want patients to understand why they should follow the 2-minute brushing rule.

Most people don’t even come close to brushing two minutes and if you don’t brush your teeth long enough, you may not be getting your teeth clean enough. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily establish the basics of good oral hygiene. Brushing helps to clear particles of food from the teeth, but a brush can’t reach between teeth, which is why flossing is also necessary. To make the two-minute mark seem like less of a lifetime, split the mouth into four quadrants. That way, it should take about 30 seconds each quadrant.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental health or oral hygiene, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Post-Extraction Swelling

We’ve saved a lot of teeth at Bishop & Bishop Dental in Silver Spring, but there are times when they have to be extracted. This is a routine procedure that usually goes smoothly, but patients should expect some swelling. We thought people would be more at ease if we explained some more about what to expect and how to recognize an emergency if one does develop.

Swelling after a wound is a healthy immune system response. Inflammation helps to prevent bacteria from entering the body through an open dental socket. The more complex an extraction, the more swelling can be expected. But once the blood in the socket forms a clot, patients shouldn’t really need inflammation, which is why it is appropriate to try to limit it by applying cold packs. To avoid damage from cold, only apply cold packs for fifteen minutes at a time, and allow fifteen minutes to pass in between each application. You should see swelling peak thirty-six hours after the extraction.

Once swelling peaks, it can be reduced through the application of hot packs. Again, the fifteen-on, fifteen off rule will prevent tissue damage. But if swelling continues after forty-eight hours, the patient should give us another call and come in as soon as possible. Discoloration is natural, but they should seek emergency help if the extraction site turns black or white. Complications are rare, but when they happen, we can see patients through safely if they’re intercepted quickly.

Dr. David Bishop, Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Dr. Alicia Reynolds operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8757 Georgia Ave, Suite 810, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visitBishop Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Repair Your Smile with Veneers

Veneers are a popular treatment option for repairing chipped, worn-down, or cracked teeth. Dental veneers, sometimes called porcelain veneers, are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. In terms of placing veneers, it is a process that takes approximately two to three visits to Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental.
Veneers are an excellent alternative to crowns in many situations because they offer a much more conservative approach to changing a tooth’s color, size or shape. When bonded to the teeth, they are virtually undetectable and highly resistant to coffee, wine, or even cigarette stains. Therefore, if you are seeking a bright smile that stays perfect, veneers are your best option. Because dental veneers are an irreversible process, it is critical that you are involved and informed every step of the way.
If you have questions or concerns regarding veneers or cosmetic dentistry, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bisop, Dr. Doreinne Taylor-Bishop, and Dr. Alicia Reynolds at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Types of Bridges

Patients at Bishop & Bishop Dental in Silver Spring don’t have to go without teeth. When someone needs multiple crowns replaced, we can provide them with a dental bridge. But these prosthetic devices have undergone some improvements in recent years, which is why we thought our patients might appreciate learning more about them.
Bridges substitute multiple crowns that have been broken, severely decayed, or are gone altogether. The traditional pontic bridge was a series of linked crowns, of which the outermost two were cemented over natural teeth. This required the natural teeth to be reshaped into narrow cylinders and for there to be no other crowns in between them. Sometimes, dentists were willing to extract or reshape healthy teeth to make room for a bridge. While this technique allowed patients to retain their natural tooth roots, modern dentists prefer not to do unnecessary extractions.
It is now possible to fabricate dentures that skirt around natural teeth, allowing more targeted care. The dentures have to be reshaped from time to time as the jaw naturally changes shape, but the patient’s jaw bone will be more stable with their tooth roots left intact. At our office, we provide mini-implant support for dentures which can be inserted into the patient’s jawbone without the lengthy process of a full implant. This will further stabilize the jaw, allowing the denture to more satisfactorily restore the patient’s bite and speaking functions.
Dr. David Bishop, Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Dr. Alicia Reynolds operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8757 Georgia Ave, #810 Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visit Bishop Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Halloween Tips

The holiday season starts with Halloween this week, and we know lots of our patients are going to be eating sugary treats. At Bishop & Bishop Dental in Silver Spring, we don’t want to take the fun out of anyone’s festivities. But we thought our patients may not know what exactly the risks to their oral health are.
One of the most common misconceptions about tooth decay is the notion that the sugar content of a particular food is what leads to decay. It is actually the length of time the teeth are exposed to sugar that correlates with their risk. A starchy food can pose a major threat if a piece of it gets stuck between two teeth for a long time. So while candy isn’t good for the body and can increase tooth decay, it is hard candies that are kept in the mouth for a long time and sticky treats that lodge in crevices which are the biggest problems. Soda and cream-filled caffeinated drinks also present a risk when they are drunk slowly, allowing sugary residue to remain behind.
Patients would do well to brush their teeth after consuming something sugary, but we recognize this is sometimes difficult. They can still limit themselves to eating candy after meals, when they will be producing more saliva, which washes away sugar. They can also try chewing sugar-free gum, which will dislodge some food debris, although they need to be careful if they have old fillings. Another tip is to keep fluoridated water on hand and take swigs from in between sips of soda.
David Bishop, DDS and Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, DDS, operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8830 Cameron St, #504, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visit Bishop Dental and fill out acontact sheet.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Cavity Formation

Cavities are just about as common as a cold and although they mostly occur in children, adults need to be aware of them too. It isn’t unusual for bacteria to be found in your mouth, however, when bacteria mixes with acid, food pieces and saliva in the mouth it creates a sticky substance called plaque. The acids in plaque damage the enamel covering your teeth and create holes in the tooth called cavities. Although Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental offers a variety of filling options for cavities, he would prefer you avoid them altogether.
Developing cavities is a process and they just don’t appear overnight. In the early stages, tooth decay can be stopped. The best way to prevent cavities is by reducing the amount of plaque and bacteria in the mouth and the best way to do this is by brushing and flossing daily. Cavities caught in the very early stages can be reversed, however, caries that have destroyed enamel cannot. It is important to schedule a professional cleaning with our doctors every six months to reduce your risk of tooth decay.
If you have questions or concerns regarding tooth decay or cavity treatment, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Factors of Bad Breath

If you don’t brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis, food particles will remain in the mouth and leave a foul odor that causes bad breath. Bad breath is embarrassing and can leave a person feeling self-conscious when they aren’t the only one who notices. Bad breath is usually the result of poor oral hygiene habits, so it’s important to visit Dr. David Bishop of Bishop & Bishop Dental twice a year to get your oral hygiene under control.
Plenty of factors play into the foul odor that is caused by bad breath, which is also known as halitosis. It may be caused by foods a person eats, poor oral hygiene, medical conditions, and even dry mouth. Treatments for this condition include practicing proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing on a daily basis, mouthwash, quitting smoking and changing bad habits. In addition, our staff at Bishop & Bishop Dental recommends dental checkups and professional cleanings twice a year to assist in providing you with the freshest breath on the block.
If you have questions or concerns regarding oral care or dental hygiene, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Drs. David Bishop, Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Alicia Reynolds at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

What Happens When a Dental Implant Fails?

Any patient with dental implants should know the signs and symptoms of peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory process affecting the soft and hard tissues surrounding an implant. By knowing the early signs of this disease, a patient can receive professional help in time, before the bone loss around the implants becomes too intense. This is what happens when a dental implant fails, and if it happens to you, Dr. David Bishop of Bishop & Bishop Dental is here to help.
Peri-implantitis, or infection, can set in when bacteria is present during oral surgery or any time post-surgery without proper dental hygiene. It can also be caused by the dental cement used to secure crowns onto the abutments when it escapes from under the crown during cementation and gets caught in the gums. A form of periodontal disease, peri-implantitis can sometimes be treated, but in most cases, the implant must be removed. Patients who smoke, have thin gums, diabetes, or poor oral hygiene are at greater risk of developing the infection.
If you have questions or concerns regarding dental implant failure, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Drs. David Bishop. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Alicia Reynolds at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Apicoectomy after a Root Canal

An apicoectomy is performed after an unsuccessful root canal. When an infection will not go away or returns after a root canal have been performed this procedure is usually necessary. Dr. David Bishop of Bishop & Bishop Dental is known for taking a comprehensive, but gentle approach to dentistry. In most cases, he may suggest a second root canal before an apicoectomy since it is a simpler, less invasive procedure.
Most apicoectomies take between 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the location of the tooth and the complexity of the root structure. Procedures on front teeth are generally the shortest. Those on lower molars generally take the longest. Before the procedure, Ballston Metro Dental will provide you with a consultation to see what action best fits your needs. With the advances in endodontic microsurgery at Bishop & Bishop Dental, you’ll feel confident about the quality of care you’re receiving.
If you have questions or concerns regarding endodontic treatment, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Drs. David Bishop, Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Alicia Reynolds at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Dental Instruments

We don’t want patients to feel nervous at Bishop & Bishop Dental in Silver Spring. Too many people have preventable tooth decay because they’ve missed regular appointments. Since dental instruments are often the source of patients’ anxiety, we wanted to get patients used to them by explaining how they work.
The instruments dentists and hygienists use the most often are the handheld mirror and the explorer. The handheld mirror allows us to move the patient’s cheek away from their teeth in addition to providing different views. The explorer, also known as a probe, is the hooked instrument used to scrape tartar off teeth. We also use the explorer to test the hardness of tooth enamel and to clean debris out of the gum pockets.
When patients have tooth decay, there are several tools we use to provide fillings. Modern dental drills emit a stream of water to prevent heat damage. We mix white resin composite material on a small spatula and place it on the cavity using an instrument called a burnisher. A burnisher is a metal instrument with a blunt end, and they come in many shapes for contouring fillings. If a tooth ever needs to be removed, we rock it back and forth with a small, flat spoon called an elevator to loosen it before removing it with reverse-action forceps.
David Bishop, DDS, Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, DDS, and Alicia Reynolds, DDS, operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8757 Georgia Ave, Suite 810, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visit Bishop Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


People suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can count on quality care at Bishop & Bishop Dental in Silver Spring. We are providers of custom-fitted oral appliances that keep peoples’ airways open at night. But sleep apnea is one of the most underdiagnosed conditions, which is why the American Sleep Apnea Association has launched the Sleeptember campaign to raise awareness of it.
OSA is a potentially life-threatening condition. When people have it, their throat tissue sags into their airway when they’re asleep, causing them to be taken out of deep sleep throughout the night. In the short-term, they may have a harder time waking up if they stop breathing and will feel tired the next day. In the long-term, they are at increased risk for heart disease and depression. Sleep apnea is also a major factor in vehicular accidents and is often the cause of nighttime teeth grinding, also known as bruxism.
Snoring is one of the most significant red flags for sleep apnea. Other signs are lax eyelids and inexplicable fatigue. Patients can visit a sleep center for a diagnosis. If they test positive, we’ll work with their care team to fabricate a night guard that will protect them from bruxism and keep their jaw in a position that is less likely to cause an obstruction.
David Bishop, DDS, Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, DDS, and Alicia Reynolds, DDS, operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8757 Georgia Ave, Suite 810, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visit Bishop Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Thank You for Your Positive Testimonials!

Here at Bishop & Bishop Dental, our staff appreciates feedback from patients because it teaches us how to improve as a team. Our staff would not only like to thank Gerald Y. for this positive review, but we would like to thank him for being a dedicated patient. If you recently experienced exceptional service from our office, please let us know!
“Professional, knowledgeable and convenient location is important factors for me in continuing to see him. I have been satisfied with his care and treatment.” – Gerald Y.
If you would like to leave a testimonial or are interested in learning more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Drs. David Bishop, Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Alicia Reynolds at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Central Sleep Apnea

Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental can diagnose and treat sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea differs from obstructive sleep apnea. With obstructive sleep apnea, breathing stops and starts because the airway is narrowed or blocked due to obstruction. Central sleep apnea results when the brain temporarily stops sending signals to the muscles that control breathing. In either type of sleep apnea, the lack of oxygen usually causes a patient to wake up from REM sleep, leaving them fatigued and sleepy the next day.
Central sleep apnea occurs in an on-and-off cycle. It is usually a result of the brain or heart because the brain and heart move an abnormal amount of air into the lungs. Common signs of central sleep apnea include abrupt awakenings during sleep accompanied by a shortness of breath, excessive daytime sleepiness, and/or difficulty concentrating. Treatment will depend on the diagnose and severity of the apnea.
If you have questions or concerns regarding sleep apnea treatment, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Drs. David Bishop, Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Alicia Reynolds at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What Is TMD?

The temporomandibular joint is a hinge that connects your jaw bone (mandible) to the temporal bones in your skull, in front of each ear.  A general term for any problem or issue with this joint is temporomandibular disorder, or TMD.  Bishop & Bishop Dental can help his patients prevent and recover from negative effects of TMD.
Patients that grind or clench their teeth often end up with a sore jaw.  Other patients experience injuries with facial trauma that cause jaw pain, or result in the patient feeling their jaw gets stuck or ‘locks’ in either an open or closed position.  A custom night guard keeps the jaw in a neutral position during sleep, and this helps many patients find relief from TMD symptoms.  For any pain, your dentist may recommend an over-the-counter painkiller or warm and cold compresses.  To prevent further discomfort, you may be assigned stretches for your jaw. 
Whatever your symptoms, you don’t have to suffer from discomfort in your jaw.  To learn more about TMD and the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Drs. David Bishop, Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Alicia Reynolds at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Pediatric Dentistry

Bishop & Bishop Dental are proud to serve the families from our community, and we want them to know it’s just as important for children to have regular dental visits.  A child’s first dental visit should be scheduled when the first baby tooth appears, or around the child’s first birthday.  Baby teeth eventually come out, but their growth and development are important for overall oral health for the child and the development of their adult teeth.
Baby teeth should be brushed and cared for like adult teeth, and it’s important to monitor their growth and development.  Missing any tooth for too long can change the development of surrounding teeth and compromise the structure of the jaw bone, but regular checkups can keep a child’s tooth development right on track.  Our dentists are skilled and experienced in administering dental care to children.  If your child seems nervous about seeing a dentist for the first time, we recommend going through a brushing routine with them at home and talking about the dental visit before you arrive.  Once we get your child’s oral health off to a great start, we offer a full range of services for child patients including dental cleanings, fluoride treatments and sealants.
We love to see good oral hygiene habits formed early, and make lifetime patients out of kids from our community!  To learn more about the services we offer, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Drs. David Bishop, Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Alicia Reynolds at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Thank You for Your Positive Reviews!

Here at Bishop & Bishop Dental, our staff appreciates feedback from patients because it teaches us how to improve as a team. Our staff would not only like to thank Natasha H. for this positive review, but we would like to thank her for being a dedicated patient. If you recently experienced exceptional service from our office, please let us know!
“I have been going to Bishop and Bishop for the last five years (following a friend's referral). They are a husband and wife team and I generally see the wife (Taylor-Bishop). She is absolutely wonderful. She does a great job and makes sure that she explains everything that she is doing. Has a wonderful bedside manner.” – Natasha H.
If you would like to leave a testimonial or are interested in learning more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Drs. David Bishop, Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, and Alicia Reynolds at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Caring For Your Retainer

Many orthodontic patients require a retainer at the end of orthodontic treatment.  Removable retainers are an easy step to take to preserve a straight smile.  At Bishop & Bishop Dental we fit retainers for patients, and caring for your retainer properly is important so that it functions and lasts as long as possible.  A silly but common mistake people make with their retainers is trying to cut corners -- don’t try to clean or brush your retainer while it’s still in your mouth!  The retainer cannot be completely cleaned of debris this way, and toothpaste can also be abrasive to the plastic of the retainer.  Always remove your retainer before cleaning thoroughly with water and your toothbrush. Use a mild dish or hand soap to help clean off debris- never abrasive toothpaste.
You should clean your retainer daily, and also treat it weekly by soaking.  Soaking helps maintain the cleanliness of the retainer and keep it from drying out.  To soak the retainer, dissolve denture cleaning tablets in water or add a little baking soda to water to make a solution.  Storing your retainer properly is also important for its longevity.  Get in the habit of always using and carrying a case.  Many retainers have disappeared while folded up in napkins!
To learn more about caring for your retainer, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Maxomandibular Advancement

Maxomandibular advancement is a surgical treatment for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.  The procedure alleviates sleep apnea by moving both the upper jaw (maxilla) and the lower jaw (mandible) forward to enlarge a patient’s airway.  This surgery is typically recommended when previous sleep apnea treatments have been unsuccessful, and you should consult with the doctors at Bishop & Bishop Dental to see if this procedure is right for you.
If a patient is in need of maxomandibular advancement surgery, the procedure is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.  Once the upper and lower jaws are freed from their positions, titanium plates and screws hold the jaws in their new positions.  The surgery typically includes a couple days in the hospital and about four weeks of recovery at home.  The recovery is longer than for other sleep apnea procedures because the jaw bones need to heal in their new positions. Following all instructions for healing and post-operative care, some patients have been able to return to work in four weeks.
If you have questions or concerns regarding sleep disorders, please give us a call. To learn more about maxomandibular advancement and all the sleep apnea procedures that we offer, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Foods That Benefit Teeth

Regular brushing and flossing keep teeth healthy by eliminating sugars and food particles that form an alliance with bacteria to form plaque. To prevent cavities and maintain good oral health, what you eat and how often you eat are important factors. At Bishop & Bishop Dental, we care about you and encourage you to eat these fortifying foods for your teeth.
Cheese lovers can rejoice because research studies have proven that eating cheese raises the pH level in the mouth and lowers the risk of tooth decay. Cheese also contains calcium and protein nutrients that strengthen tooth enamel. Other phosphorus foods that are thought to protect tooth enamel by providing the calcium and phosphorus needed to re-mineralize teeth include chicken, nuts, and milk. Other food choices include firm/crunchy fruits (apples and pears) and vegetables (carrots and celery). These foods have a high water content, which dilutes the effects of the sugars they contain and stimulate the flow of saliva which helps protect against decay by washing away food particles and acid.
If you have questions or concerns regarding oral-systemic health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth and help restore your smile. If you are missing teeth and want to avoid an invasive form of treatment such as dental implants, then dentures might be the correct option for you. If you’ve lost all of your natural teeth, whether, from gum disease, tooth decay, or injury, our doctors at Bishop & Bishop Dental can help revitalize your grin.
When you lose all of your teeth, facial muscles can sag, making you look older. Dentures can help fill out the appearance of your face and profile. They can also be made to closely resemble your natural teeth so that your appearance does not change too much. There are different types of dentures that we can suggest depending on your individual case, however, it’s important to know that new dentures may feel awkward for a few weeks until you become accustomed to them.
If you have questions or concerns regarding dentures or restorative dental procedures, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Types of Teeth

Teeth all have unique functions. At the dental office of Bishop & Bishop in Silver Spring, we want our patients to understand the value of their teeth and have a handle on the various issues that can affect them. Therefore, we put together a run-down of each tooth’s placement and needs.
An adult mouth normally grows thirty-two teeth, although most people have had some removed. In the front of the mouth are upright flat teeth called incisors, and each jaw has four of them. The incisors are used to form speech and are the target of most cosmetic care due to their visibility. To their sides are the canine teeth, also called cuspids or eye teeth. Each jaw only has one set of canines. They are used for piercing food and help to provide jaw stability, but the upper ones sometimes get stuck while emerging.
On the sides of the mouth are premolars and molars, which are wide teeth that are used for chewing. The premolars only have a single root and each jaw has two sets. Molars in the lower jaw have two roots and those in the upper jaw have three. Each jaw has three sets of molars and the ones furthest in the back are the wisdom teeth. They are the largest teeth and the last to emerge.

David Bishop, DDS and Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, DDS, operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8830 Cameron St, #504, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visit Bishop Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

White Spot Lesions

When enamel is being eroded, patients won’t always feel something at first. But at the Silver Spring offices of Bishop & Bishop Dental, we teach our patients to recognize incipient dental lesions in the form of white spots.
The chemical interaction of acid with enamel causes teeth to look glazed or chalky as minerals are being lost. This can be observed in people suffering from chronic acid reflux. However, tooth decay is caused by bacterial infections. Bacteria produce acid, which gets trapped in dental plaque, eroding enamel. If decay is allowed to continue, portions of the enamel could be lost entirely, resulting in caries, also known as cavities.
Patients need to be especially wary of white spots developing around the brackets of traditional braces. Other common places for tooth decay are near the gum line and on the sides of teeth. These are signs that patients need to immediately improve their oral hygiene since white spots can form in as short a time as a month. While lost enamel cannot be regrown, enamel that has suffered mineral damage can restore itself. We also have cosmetic treatments to mask white spots after a dental infection has been removed.
David Bishop, DDS and Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, DDS, operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8830 Cameron St, #504, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visit Bishop Dental and fill out acontact sheet.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Losing the First Tooth

If your kid is turning into a big kid, losing the first baby tooth is on the horizon.  It’s an exciting sign of growing up, but many kids still feel anxious or uncomfortable dealing with the unfamiliar sensation of a loose tooth.  At Bishop & Bishop Dental, we want kids and parents to be prepared and understand why this pain occurs so your child can still have a positive tooth loss experience.
Before a baby tooth is lost, it begins to break free of its nerve endings.  This is the natural process that makes the tooth feel loose and wobbly at the gums, and the area will become swollen and red.  It can be painful, and for kids a great way to soothe tooth pain is applying a cold compress to the outside of the mouth in the affected area.  Children may complain that they find it hard to bite or chew with loose or missing teeth.  It’s still important to keep eating healthy while they grow new teeth so encourage soup, pureed fruits, and cooked vegetables.  A few tales of the tooth fairy can usually ease a little pain, too!
To learn more about tooth loss and the services we provide at the practice, for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Sleep Apnea and the Heart

Sleep apnea is not only a serious medical condition, but left untreated it can lead to many other health issues and is dangerous for the heart!  A patient with sleep apnea does not breathe properly during sleep, resulting in low oxygen levels throughout the entire body. Breathing supplies lungs with oxygen but also the rest of the body.  When there is a lack of oxygen, the part of the heart responsible for moving oxygenated blood to the organs and extremities is forced to work extra hard.  This can cause an enlarged heart and eventually heart failure.
Those living with untreated sleep apnea are at a higher risk of developing irregular heartbeats, and also have a higher risk for a stroke and heart attack.  Men with untreated sleep apnea are actually living with double the risk for a stroke.  If you have yet to find a solution for sleep apnea, please visit Bishop & Bishop Dental for a consultation.
To learn more about sleep apnea and the treatments we offer, for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Root Canal Therapy

If you have a tooth that is badly decayed, a root canal may be necessary to save it. Our teeth are made up of several components including dental pulp. The pulp chamber is the soft area within a tooth’s root canal that contains the nerves. When the pulp becomes inflamed, infected, or is completely dead, Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental will suggest a root canal to alleviate the pain and discomfort.
If you experience intense tooth pain, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you need a root canal but it’s important to determine the cause. During the root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed with a dental crown. We understand that oral surgery of any kind can be slightly terrifying, but we promise to make you comfortable throughout the entire process.
If you have questions or concerns regarding root canal therapy, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Halitosis Causes and Treatment

There are a number of possible causes a person may suffer from chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, but the main reason boils down to oral hygiene. If you don’t brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes, or floss at least once a day to remove food particles from the teeth, you risk developing pungent bad breath that mints or mouthwash can’t mask. To get bad breath under control, visit Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental for an oral exam and professional cleaning.
Anyone can suffer from bad breath. In fact, bad breath is a common problem that affects 1 in 4 people on a regular basis. Potential causes for bad breath may include tobacco if you are a smoker, food, dry mouth, and periodontal disease. Though these factors play a large role in the odor of the mouth, the most common reason is a lack of oral hygiene. Bad breath treatment will likely depend on the cause and the severity of the condition.
If you experience chronic bad breath, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop at Bishop & Bishop Dental here in Silver Spring, Maryland, call 301-608-9270.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Vertical Dimension Loss

As providers of dentures, vertical dimension loss is one of the most serious dental problems the doctors and Bishop & Bishop Dental in Silver Spring confront. Also known as bite collapse, vertical dimension loss refers to the shortening of a patient’s face when they are without teeth.

Even if a patient still has their front teeth, the loss of the back ones can result in vertical dimension loss. Without teeth for chewing, they may compensate with their incisors, causing them to be pushed outward under bite forces they are unable to sustain. When the bite is shortened, the lower half of the face looks disproportionately small and the skin between the mouth and the nose is wrinkled. People with collapsed bites also commonly suffer from temporomandibular joint disorder, causing pain in their jaws and necks.

When constructing dentures, doctors are careful to ensure that the height of the new teeth will be aesthetically and functionally pleasing to the patient. Temporary dentures help to prepare the mouth for the height difference provided by full restorations. Other oral devices can also be used to restore vertical dimension when the natural teeth still have some crown material.

David Bishop, DDS and Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, DDS, operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8830 Cameron St, #504, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visit Bishop Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Sectioning Wisdom Teeth

It’s common for teenagers to need to have their wisdom teeth extracted. Sometimes this is because the large back teeth risk disrupting the other teeth’s alignment and sometimes it’s because the wisdom teeth are impacted and can’t break through. In these cases, we at Bishop & Bishop Dental in Silver Spring sometimes make the process easier on the patient be sectioning the teeth prior to removing them.

Normally, teeth are removed by using dental tools to rock them back and forth until they can be pulled out of the socket. However, impacted wisdom teeth will be too large to fit through the opening in the gum line. Even if an incision is made to the gum, the tooth might still be held in place by strong ligaments, making it unwise to yank it out. In order to break it into more manageable pieces, the doctor will cut it apart using a dental drill. This does not hurt the patient, who has already been numbed. Once the tooth is sectioned, each part may be lifted out without much force.

David Bishop, DDS and Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, DDS, operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8830 Cameron St, #504, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visit Bishop Dental and fill out a contact sheet.