Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Does Your Tooth Still Hurt After a Root Canal?

If you’re still experiencing pain after a root canal, you may be wondering why. Aren’t root canals meant to take your pain away? There are many reasons why your tooth may still be hurting. It is possible that the base of your tooth root (periapical) is still slightly tender or that your pain is caused by a temporary filling that is a bit too high. In these cases, taking OTC painkillers, preferably ibuprofen, may be all you need to alleviate your pain while your root canal heals.

However, if you’ve had a root canal at our practice in Silver Spring, MD and are still experiencing pain that is severe or persistent, you should call our office immediately. The dentist may need to prescribe you an antibiotic to make sure the infection does not remain, or she may need to perform retreatment.

At your follow-up appointment, Dr. David Bishop or Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop will want to know what type of pain you are experiencing. Is your tooth sensitive to hot and cold? Is it the tooth root that is sensitive or the gums that are over the tooth? Is it a constant ache, or does it only hurt when biting? Is there any swelling, drainage or pus? The answers to these questions will give Dr. Bishop or Dr. Taylor-Bishop the information he or she needs to diagnose your pain.

Root canals don’t always work, and there are many reasons for this, including fractures of the root, convoluted or twisted root structures and failure to protect the root canal after the procedure. If this occurs, you may need further treatment. If the root canal was successful, it should feel normal most of the time.

To schedule an appointment at Bishop & Bishop Dental, call (301) 608-9270. For more information about the dentists, visit  

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Food and Drinks that Stain Your Teeth

If you’re determined to keep your pearly whites actually white, then you probably already brush your teeth daily and see your dentist periodically, but brushing is often not enough to keep your smile bright. This is because a lot of the foods and drinks we consume can stain our teeth.

The staining power of food and beverages depends on two factors, and the first is the color of the food. Intensely colored foods and beverages tend to be the worst for our teeth. If you would be worried about spilling a certain food or drink on a white tablecloth, you can bet that it has the potential to stain your teeth. The color in food comes from chromogens, which are highly pigmented molecules that have the tendency to latch onto tooth enamel. The second factor that determines staining power is a food or beverage’s acidity level. Acidic food and drinks, even those that are not brightly colored, can promote stains by eroding the dental enamel, temporarily softening teeth and making it easier for chromogens to stick.

The top teeth-staining foods and beverages that you should avoid for whiter teeth are wine, tea, soda, sports drinks, berries, sauces and sweets. To minimize staining without forgoing your favorite foods and drinks, you can try using a straw, swallowing promptly and swishing with water. This minimizes the amount of time the acidic and colorful food is in contact with your teeth.

If you’re still unhappy with the color of your teeth after practicing good oral hygiene, you can also come to our practice in Silver Spring, MD for teeth whitening services. Dr. David Bishop and Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop offer teeth whitening services that can whiten your teeth up to 10 shades! To schedule an appointment, call (301) 608-9270. For more information about Bishop & Bishop Dental, visit