Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Types of Teeth

Teeth all have unique functions. At the dental office of Bishop & Bishop in Silver Spring, we want our patients to understand the value of their teeth and have a handle on the various issues that can affect them. Therefore, we put together a run-down of each tooth’s placement and needs.
An adult mouth normally grows thirty-two teeth, although most people have had some removed. In the front of the mouth are upright flat teeth called incisors, and each jaw has four of them. The incisors are used to form speech and are the target of most cosmetic care due to their visibility. To their sides are the canine teeth, also called cuspids or eye teeth. Each jaw only has one set of canines. They are used for piercing food and help to provide jaw stability, but the upper ones sometimes get stuck while emerging.
On the sides of the mouth are premolars and molars, which are wide teeth that are used for chewing. The premolars only have a single root and each jaw has two sets. Molars in the lower jaw have two roots and those in the upper jaw have three. Each jaw has three sets of molars and the ones furthest in the back are the wisdom teeth. They are the largest teeth and the last to emerge.

David Bishop, DDS and Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, DDS, operate Bishop & Bishop Dental at 8830 Cameron St, #504, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. To set up an appointment, call 301-608-9270 or visit Bishop Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

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