Thursday, October 8, 2015

Here’s Why You Should Own a Tongue Scraper

Bad breath is a common problem for many people, given the wide variety of substances traveling through our mouths daily. While the regular brushing and flossing addresses the teeth and gums, it’s all too easy to forget about the tongue. Tongue scraping is an oral hygiene practice that removes bacteria, food debris, fungi, toxins, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue. Here at Bishop Dental, we recommend implementing this step to enhance your oral hygiene routine.

When we sleep, our digestive system remains awake, removing toxins from our body by depositing them onto the surface of our tongue. If we don’t scrape away these toxins, they get reabsorbed by the body and can lead to respiratory difficulties, digestive problems, and a compromised immune system. Dental research has concluded that a tongue scraper is more effective at removing toxins and bacteria from the tongue than a toothbrush. Although brushing and flossing will loosen and move debris around, they do not actually remove the bacteria.

Tongue scrapers are inexpensive, and can be found at most health food stores as well as online. To learn more about dental hygiene and the services we offer, visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Dr. David Bishop, D.D.S. or Dorienne Taylor-Bishop, D.D.S. in Silver Spring, MD, call 301-608-9270.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Periodontal Disease

Caring for your teeth is an essential part of maintaining good oral health, but your gums also play an important role in your health, and proper care is crucial. Gum disease can be a serious detriment to your oral health and overall wellness, and Drs. David Bishop and Dorienne Taylor-Bishop of Bishop & Bishop Dental provides the regular periodontal and checkups you need to maintain peak periodontal health and prevent gum disease.

With periodontal disease responsible for 75 percent of all adult tooth loss cases in the United States, it is critical to check for and treat periodontal issues when they first arise. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums that starts when a build-up of plaque on your teeth hardens into tartar. As the tartar accumulates, bacteria collect and attack the soft tissue in the surrounding gums. In its early stages, this gum disease is gingivitis, but if it is left untreated, it becomes periodontis. Periodontis can destroy your gum tissue and lead to tooth loss. Periodontis can even result in a loss of bone mass in your jaw bone, and heart disease, diabetes and stroke have also been linked to poor periodontal health.

The state of your gums affects the health of your entire body, so come to our office for periodontal cleanings and treatment. We will make sure your gums are well cared for. Call (301) 608-9270 to schedule an appointment. For more information about our practice, visit

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Healthy Smile is a Beautiful Smile with Dr. David Bishop

Regular checkups and dental cleanings are a part of any good oral hygiene routine, and at our office in Silver Spring, MD, we provide dental care services of the highest quality to ensure that our patients’ smiles stay healthy year after year.

Plaque is a soft and sticky film of bacteria that can build up on your teeth despite regular brushing and flossing. Because teeth are constantly bathed in saliva, which contains calcium and other substances to strengthen and protect teeth, tartar or calcium deposits can also build up over time. Dental cleanings work to remove both plaque and tartar from the teeth. If it is not removed and is allowed to accumulate, bacteria will be provided a perfect environment and thrive on the gums and teeth, which can cause cavities, infection and gum disease.

While good for maintaining oral health between dentist visits, at-home brushing and cleaning are not enough to make sure teeth stay clean; regular dental cleanings are required. We will clean and polish your teeth, leaving the surface clean and smooth. The smoother the teeth, the more difficult it is for bacteria to stick to them and the more effective at-home brushing will be.

We recommend checkups and dental cleanings every six months for optimum oral health. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Bishop or Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop of Bishop & Bishop Dental, call (301) 608-9270. For more information, visit

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tips for a Healthier Smile from Bishop & Bishop Dental

Regular exams and cleanings with Dr. David Bishop or Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop are only a small part of a good oral hygiene routine. Everyday oral care habits also play a vital role in a healthy smile, and if you want to improve your oral health, here are some simple changes you can make.

1.            Brush better. Good technique and proper duration are essential for effective brushing. To maximize your brushing, hold your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle and make sweeping circular motions away from the gums. You should brush for at least two minutes or for the length of a song.

2.            Floss. Dr. Bishop has probably already told you how important this is. This is because flossing can actually do a better job of removing harmful plaque than brushing, and it only needs to be done once a day. So why aren’t you doing it already? It’s the key to healthier teeth and fresher breath.

3.            Chew sugarless gum. Sugarless gum is a great way to keep your smile fresh after a meal. Not only will it improve your breath, but chewing gum increases saliva production to help wash away the acids released by the bacteria in plaque. If the gum has xylitol, it even helps reduce decay-causing bacteria.

4.            Replace your toothbrush. How long have you been brushing with your toothbrush? As your toothbrush ages, the bristles will fray and lose their cleaning ability. Extremely frayed bristles can even hurt your gums. Bacteria can also build up in the bristles of toothbrushes, so make sure you are replacing yours ever three to four months.

5.            Switch to tap water. Tap water is treated with fluoride, which is a safe and effective technique for lowering tooth decay across the nation. Plus, it’s basically free.

For more ways to keep your smile healthy, turn to Bishop & Bishop Dental in Silver Spring, MD. To schedule an appointment, call (301) 608-9270. For more information, please visit

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Does Your Tooth Still Hurt After a Root Canal?

If you’re still experiencing pain after a root canal, you may be wondering why. Aren’t root canals meant to take your pain away? There are many reasons why your tooth may still be hurting. It is possible that the base of your tooth root (periapical) is still slightly tender or that your pain is caused by a temporary filling that is a bit too high. In these cases, taking OTC painkillers, preferably ibuprofen, may be all you need to alleviate your pain while your root canal heals.

However, if you’ve had a root canal at our practice in Silver Spring, MD and are still experiencing pain that is severe or persistent, you should call our office immediately. The dentist may need to prescribe you an antibiotic to make sure the infection does not remain, or she may need to perform retreatment.

At your follow-up appointment, Dr. David Bishop or Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop will want to know what type of pain you are experiencing. Is your tooth sensitive to hot and cold? Is it the tooth root that is sensitive or the gums that are over the tooth? Is it a constant ache, or does it only hurt when biting? Is there any swelling, drainage or pus? The answers to these questions will give Dr. Bishop or Dr. Taylor-Bishop the information he or she needs to diagnose your pain.

Root canals don’t always work, and there are many reasons for this, including fractures of the root, convoluted or twisted root structures and failure to protect the root canal after the procedure. If this occurs, you may need further treatment. If the root canal was successful, it should feel normal most of the time.

To schedule an appointment at Bishop & Bishop Dental, call (301) 608-9270. For more information about the dentists, visit  

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Food and Drinks that Stain Your Teeth

If you’re determined to keep your pearly whites actually white, then you probably already brush your teeth daily and see your dentist periodically, but brushing is often not enough to keep your smile bright. This is because a lot of the foods and drinks we consume can stain our teeth.

The staining power of food and beverages depends on two factors, and the first is the color of the food. Intensely colored foods and beverages tend to be the worst for our teeth. If you would be worried about spilling a certain food or drink on a white tablecloth, you can bet that it has the potential to stain your teeth. The color in food comes from chromogens, which are highly pigmented molecules that have the tendency to latch onto tooth enamel. The second factor that determines staining power is a food or beverage’s acidity level. Acidic food and drinks, even those that are not brightly colored, can promote stains by eroding the dental enamel, temporarily softening teeth and making it easier for chromogens to stick.

The top teeth-staining foods and beverages that you should avoid for whiter teeth are wine, tea, soda, sports drinks, berries, sauces and sweets. To minimize staining without forgoing your favorite foods and drinks, you can try using a straw, swallowing promptly and swishing with water. This minimizes the amount of time the acidic and colorful food is in contact with your teeth.

If you’re still unhappy with the color of your teeth after practicing good oral hygiene, you can also come to our practice in Silver Spring, MD for teeth whitening services. Dr. David Bishop and Dr. Dorienne Taylor-Bishop offer teeth whitening services that can whiten your teeth up to 10 shades! To schedule an appointment, call (301) 608-9270. For more information about Bishop & Bishop Dental, visit

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bridge the Gap in Silver Spring, MD

If you’ve had one tooth or multiple teeth extracted due to damage, decay or disease, it is important to have the resulting gap filled or your remaining teeth can shift out of position and become susceptible to further decay. One way to replace your missing tooth or teeth and prevent this shifting is with a dental bridge.

Called a bridge because a prosthetic tooth is suspended between two crowns to fill in the missing space, this natural-looking tooth structure is usually made from gold, metal, alloys or porcelain to ensure a strong and durable smile that can last more than 25 years if properly cared for.

The process of creating a bridge usually takes two visits to our office in Silver Spring, MD. During your first visit, Dr. David Bishop will create abutments out of the existing teeth on both sides of your gap. This is where the bridge’s crowns will be attached. After the abutments are in place, a mold is made of your mouth for creating the bridge, which will fit and feel as close to your natural teeth as possible. While you wait for the bridge to be fabricated in the lab, you will receive a temporary device for your convenience. Then, once the permanent device is completed, you will return to our office to have the crowns fixed to the abutments with an adhesive. The pontic is attached to the crowns to form the bridge and replace your missing tooth or teeth.

To schedule an appointment at Bisho & Bishop Dental, call (301) 608-9270. For more information, please visit    

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dental Bonding in Silver Spring, MD

Of all the cosmetic and restorative procedures we offer at our office in Silver Spring, MD, bonding is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to enhance your smile. Called bonding because tooth-colored resin is bonded to your teeth, the procedure is used to repair teeth that are discolored, unevenly shaped or chipped. At Bishop & Bishop Dental, we can even use bonding as an attractive alternative to amalgam fillings.

Bonding is achieved by applying incredibly strong resin to the tooth in need of restoration. The procedure can usually be accomplished in one visit and allows you to keep most of your tooth’s enamel, which makes bonding preferable to veneers in many cosmetic cases. Once the right color resin has been chosen for your smile, Dr. David Bishop will apply an adhesive gel to your tooth or teeth to help the resin adhere. The putty-like resin is then applied to your tooth and molded and smoothed until it is in the proper shape. After it is hardened with an LED light, Dr. Bishop will trim and shape it even more and then polish it until shines like a tooth. Altogether, the procedure usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour for one tooth.

If you’re unhappy with your teeth but unwilling to go as far as veneers, bonding can be used to improve your smile quickly and effectively. To schedule an appointment with our office, call us at (301) 608-9270. For more information, visit

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What Can You Do About Sleep Apnea in Silver Spring, MD?

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that affects the way patients breathe while sleeping. By causing your breath to become interrupted for 10 to 20 seconds at a time and jolting you out of your natural sleep rhythm multiple times a night, the condition can cause your energy, mental acuity and productivity to suffer. Over time, sleep apnea can even lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and weight gain.

At Bishop & Bishop Dental, Dr. David Bishop uses oral surgery to treat sleep apnea and increase the quality of sleep and life for his patients.  Oral surgery relieves sleep apnea symptoms by removing the blockage caused by excess tissue, which vibrates and blocks the upper air passages. One way this is done is through UPPP, or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, which involves removing excess tissue from the upper mouth and throat while under general anesthesia. Maxillomandibular advancement is another procedure used to treat sleep apnea. This procedure moves the lower jaw forward, away from the rest of facial bones, which allows more room behind the soft palate and reduces any obstruction.

If these treatments fail to relieve your sleep apnea, a tracheostomy can be performed. A tracheostomy is when a tube is inserted into your throat to allow breathing. The tube is covered during the day while you are awake and then opened at night while you sleep.

If you have sleep apnea, call (301) 608-9270 to schedule an appointment in Silver Spring, MD. For more information about the dentist and his services, please visit