Crowns are used to protect and strengthen teeth that have become extremely weak, decayed or fractured. Covering your affected tooth and restoring it to its original shape and size, dental crowns (sometimes called caps) can help reduce pain, save your tooth from needing to be extracted and keep your smile beautiful and functional. At our office in Silver Spring, MD, we can see if a crown is necessary to save your smile.
Over time, as your teeth begin to weaken, they become more susceptible to problems, including decay, cracks and discoloration. Crowns are usually only necessary if decay has reached the point where the tooth structure is compromised and a filling isn’t enough to stop decay. When a crown is installed, Dr. David Bishop will remove the decay from your tooth and use core build-up to insulate the nerve and create a surface for the crown to bond to. An impression is then made of this surface so that crown can be custom fitted. Usually made of porcelain, gold or porcelain fused to metal, the crown is fabricated in a lab and then cemented onto the current tooth. This fabrication process can take between two to three weeks.
Crowns are made incredibly strong to protect the remaining tooth structure, while the custom fit ensures that the seam between tooth and crown is miniscule, which helps protect the tooth from further decay.
If you’re experiencing pain in one of your teeth, stop by our office to see if a crown can save your smile. Schedule an appointment with Bishop & Bishop Dental by calling (301) 608-9270. For more information, visit